Contact Us

If you currently have Recipe Gallery installed on your device, it would be best if you would email support from directly in Recipe Gallery. To do this:

  1. Open Recipe Gallery
  2. Tap the Recipe Gallery button (icon at top left of recipe list screen that looks like the Recipe Gallery logo)
  3. Tap the "About Recipe Gallery" item
  4. At the bottom of this window, it will give the version number, if it is 2.2 or greater then continue with the next step.
  5. Tap the "Email Support" button on this screen. This will create an email to support. Just add a description of any issues or comments.
  6. The email will be formatted with some diagnostic information that is often helpful in diagnosing issues.

Or, use the form below

We love to hear your suggestions and comments about Recipe Gallery. You can use the form below to contact us for any reason.